Science Leader Network

Full CalendarLeadership

This event will take place between 3:45pm and 5:15pm on 12/10/2021

An opportunity for Science leads to come together with other leaders to develop their curriculum knowledge and engage in colleague-led workshops and discussions.




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Join the meeting and welcome

We will start by going around the group sharing:

  • Name
  • School
  • Your piece of positive science news

Please come prepared!

Eileen Northey, SIA, ODBST



The STEM Role – how it works in one of our schools and an opportunity for you to share how you do it.

Sara Hussain, STEM Lead at Thomas Harding Junior


Knowledge organisers/Never heard the word lists

The aim for these few minutes is to share ways of using these resources and start to build a bank of examples that we can adapt and use across the Trust.

Bhavna Webber, Science Lead at Woodside Junior


Science Deep Dives - What to expect

  • reprise of the deep dive workshop from our virtual conference
  • If you have experienced a science deep dive, please come prepared to share

Emma Gooding, Science Lead at Padbury


Science news updates

Reflection on the meeting and ideas and next steps.







Science Leader Meeting

12.10.21 at 3.45pm – VIRTUAL

Dear Science Leads,

You will see from the attached agenda that our next science leader meeting together is going to be a packed one!  We have tried to include aspects of interest that you mentioned at our last meeting in the summer term.  Emma, Bhavna and I hope you had a restful summer – at least for some of the time – and that you are settling in well with your new classes and getting excited about science!  Please book your place in the usual way:  via Eventbrite.

It is especially important that you read the next bullet points so we can make the most of our time together:

  • Please come prepared to share some science ‘good news.’
  • If you use Knowledge Organisers/Never Heard the Word List please can you send an example to Emily by Tuesday 5th October so she can collect them together and get them sent out to all of us before the meeting so we can have a good look at them beforehand.  Please make it clear which school, year group and topic they are for.
  • If you have experienced a deep dive in science, please come prepared to talk about ‘how it was for you.’ 
  • There will also be a chance to discuss how STEM works in your school so please just think about this before the meeting so you can explain to others in the group.

THANK YOU and see you soon!

Book on Eventbrite