Admissions Briefing for Governors of Academies

Full CalendarGovernance

This event will take place between 3:30pm and 5:00pm on 16/09/2020

A virtual LGB training session via MS Teams

About this Event

This is a session for all governors, headteachers or administrators in academies involved in the admissions process. It will cover the roles and responsibilities of those involved within your school or academy in all aspects of admissions.

In academies the responsibility for all admission arrangements, the main round of admissions1 and in-year admissions rests with the ‘Admission Authority’. This means the Trustees of the MAT; it cannot be delegated to the Local Authority but aspects may be delegated to Local Governing Bodies. It is essential that all schools understand this legal requirement.

This briefing has been specifically organised in order that governors wishing to revise their arrangements on the back of the briefing experience will have time to prepare the documentation and consult on the statutory timeline, between 1 October 2020 and 31 January 2021.

The briefing will comprehensively cover the development of high-quality admission arrangements and the specific content required by law. Attendees should leave the workshop with a clear understanding of the purpose of admission arrangements, the freedom to include or exclude particular practices, the procedure to follow for changing arrangements and an insight into the likely challenge.

To aid and focus our training, do let us know of any particular areas of concern you might wish to raise prior to the briefings

1 This includes the ranking of applications prior to the local authority offering places on the 16 April. This cannot be delegated to the Local Authority.